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Project 1 INITIAL IDEA How to....

Title:How to save the world(go green)
1.who am i -Campaign for saving the world
2.who is the target -everyone in the world
3.what for -save the world
4.1st task -stop felling the tree,plant more tree,reduce the carbon dioxide
5.2nd task-use public transport save the resource in the world
6.3rd task -recycle,and reuse the thing which can be reuse don't waste it don't throw it
7.outcome -have a good and nice living environment
8.showcase -gallery

Title:How to do longan jelly
1.who am i -Maker
2.who is the target -Family
3.what for -dessert
4.1st task -ready Jelly powder,jelly container loaded,750ml water,and longan
5.2nd task-cut the longan into small pieces and put into the container,then boil the 750ml water,after the water boiled lower down the temperature and slowly put the jelly powder in to it,when put the powder inside slowly stirring it so they can be uniform.
6.3rd task -cook 5-10 minutes then take it out put it in the container,and put the longan into it,last put the jelly container in to refrigerator 2-3hours
7.outcome -Nice longan jelly
8.showcase -gallery,how to do step by step

Title:How to make a kite
1.who am i -Father
2.who is the target -son
3.what for -entertainment
4.1st task -ready a cutter or scissors,and a pieces of paper,and few stick and line.
5.2nd task-build the stick into a + shape,and use the line to hold at the middle and connect the 4 point.After that cut the paper into a diamond shape,REMEMBER the size of the paper must +5more cm from the large of the bone.
6.3rd task -last stick the paper on the bone side by side.
7.outcome -a nice kite
8.showcase -step by step,how its work.

Title:How to make a garbage enzyme
1.who am i -Teacher
2.who is the target -student(auntie or uncle)
3.what for -Save money,save space,save the world
4.1st task -ready,black sugar,organic waste,water, and a big bottle
5.2nd task-first put the 1 ratio of black sugar into the big bottle which contain 10 ratio of water and after that put 3 ratio of organic waste into it.
6.3rd task -ferment for 3 months in the air-tights plastic bottle.Keep in a cool place.after 3 months filtration and removal of the residue then its can be use.
7.outcome -Healthy enzyme
8.showcase -gallery,outcome,progress

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